Big Brother Titans

BBTitans: Yemi Cregx Reveals His Family’s Saddest Day Ever


BBTitans evicted housemate, Yemi Cregx, in a recent interview, revealed one of the darkest times in the lives of his family members to the public.

Yemi narrated in detail the event that claimed his father’s life and how he watched the giant of a man shrink into someone he cannot identify anymore.

The former BBTitans housemate spoke on how his father suffered from cancer of the throat and how he could no longer eat any food again since it refused to go down his mouth.

He explained how traumatising the year was for the family because their dad fell sick for over a year and had to do chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

While recovering, Yemi Cregx further revealed that it was during the healing stages the father passed away, seeing that he could no longer digest food, which could’ve led to malnutrition and other similar deadly symptoms.

Yemi Cregx almost started crying when he narrated the story to the interviewer.