Big Brother Titans

BBTitans S1: Thabang Mocks Khosi and Yemi Cregx Relationship “Do you guys say I love you or love you?”


Thabang is moving in swiftly to Khosi. The two have had a discreet romance brewing in the corner. Ebuka has exposed it but this reveal has only slowed them down and not put a stop to their budding romance.

While Yemi Cregx exited the BBTitans House, Thabang plots his entry into Khosi’s heart. He cornered her for a conversation. Now, without the need to look over their shoulders, these two were free to have unfiltered conversations.

Khosi spoke about Yemi Cregx. It prompted Thabang to ask “do you guys say I love you or love you”. Khosi in her usual charismatic but sleek way managed to dodge the question.

Without distractions from Olivia, Nelisa and Yemi Cregx, will Thabang and Khosi make things official?