Big Brother Titans

BBTitans S1: Marvin Expresses Disappointment in Head of House


Last night’s nomination for eviction has got Marvin very pained, the guy has been explaining to whoever cares to listen how scared he is already. His pain is that he was not nominated by the majority of the housemate but he was used to replacing a housemate who was picked by a majority of the housemate.

Marvin feels he is very close to the head of house Kanagar and Blue Aiva especially Kanagar Jnr so for them to use him to replace Yemi Cregx and Nelisa is what is hurting him. Though out the day yesterday he was with him and they even played a movie role together so it was surprising for him to see that the one he thought he was closest to will do that to him.

BBTitans S1: Marvin Expresses Disappointment in Head of House

Yemi Cregx and Nelisa’s nomination was a surprise to many as Yemi has been on the lips of many as a playboy. But his saving grace is the fact that one of his concubines is the head of the house. Blue Aiva is Yemi’s latest girl in the house and it was obvious she convince Kanagar to use Marvin to replace Yemi so that her guy will be saved.

Marvin explained to Juicy Jay said he thought Kanagar Jrn is the housemate he is connected to the most in the house so it was surprising that he picked him. Kanagar on the other hand was with Yaya trying to explain how hard it was for him to accept the challenge to use him to replace Yemi.