Big Brother Titans

BBTitans S1: Lukay Commits What no Housemate has Ever Done in Big Brother’s History


Lukay, the housemate fans refer to as ‘Pa-Lukay’, did the most damning thing ever today in the history of the Big Brother Titans Reality TV Show that no contestant has ever done before.

While he was having a chat with BBTitans Ipeleng, the ‘Old Gee’ jokingly told her that he wanted to Fart (Mess), but he has been holding it back because of her presence.

He insisted that the fart is about to come out and justified his actions by stating that they were all situated outside in the garden, which makes it the perfect spot to let the gas out.

Suddenly, thinking it was a joke, she smiled in amusement, warning him not to try such a disgusting habit. Before she could say, Jack Robinson, Lukay messed the environment up with a moderately loud fart.

They started playfully fighting with pillows as Ipeleng tried to wave off the stench of his mess, before she starts gasping for air.