Big Brother Titans

BBTitans S1: Lukay and Ipeleng’s Toilet Mystery Still Under Debate


It’s unclear what Lukay and Ipeleng went to do in the toilet for about six minutes while the other Big Brother Titans season 1 housemates were fast asleep.

The newly paired couple came out from a session in the restroom that seemed like they just had a good time as Lukay first stepped out to spy if any other housemate is awake before signalling Ipeleng to step out.

The ‘Old Gee’ took a peek at the mirror to get a good look at himself in admiration and later walked right behind Ipeleng, who, on her part, moved straight to the waste bin to drop the tissue paper she initially used to wipe herself after the suspected night action.

BBTitans S1: Lukay and Ipeleng's Toilet Mystery Still Under Debate

Without any doubt in their minds, many fans took to Twitter to clarify all misconceptions that nothing happened. Some confirmed others alleged that they both had s3x while others had no idea about what happened.

One thing that is for sure is that he is getting more action from his lady than some of the younger housemates in the BBTitans Season one.