Big Brother Titans

BBTitans S1: Khosi Disgraced in Nigeria, Faces Violent Abuse


BBTitans show not ending in a way that favoured Nigerians have led to massive bullying of Khosi. She has been threatened and insulted because of how she played the game and because she isn’t Nigeria. It would have been a total disaster if she wasn’t also getting defense from her fans in Nigeria.

Winning the show means she must have had massive support from Nigerians or else it would prove the claims of rigging true. There has been no way to confirm the crowd she pulled from Nigeria till her arrival at Nigeria.

BBTitans S1: Khosi Disgraced in Nigeria, Faces Violent Abuse
BBTitans S1: Khosi Disgraced in Nigeria, Faces Violent Abuse

Fans usually wait to greet their star with massive gifts items and money. The superiority of a star is usually measured by the crowd of fans that welcome them and the value of gift items. Khosireigns prior to Khosi’s arrival promised to shake the internet and big brother’s fans have been waiting for the moment.

The moment proved to be the worst anticlimax as the crowd who came out to welcome her were terribly below expectation. The bouquet offered to her was an even bigger disappointment.

BBTitans S1: Khosi Disgraced in Nigeria, Faces Violent Abuse
BBTitans S1: Khosi Disgraced in Nigeria, Faces Violent Abuse

Where is the big fanbase that led her to the winning stage? Her coming to Nigeria has brought nothing but questions. There is no buzz or excitement that should accompany the winner of a show.

When compared to her colleagues, BBTitans winner Khosi has received one of the worst welcoming in Nigeria. This has been refered to as disgraceful and has resulted in other fanbases violently abusing her on different social media. How does she deserve her win if she can’t pull a crowd? Hopefully, the rest of her stay in Nigeria proves more eventful.