Big Brother Titans

BBTitans S1: Diary Session almost Goes Wrong for Olivia


While Biggie interacted with BBTitans Olivia and Juicy Jay (Julovia), something she did almost cost her to experience Big Brother’s wrath.

While it was Juicy Jay’s turn to converse with Biggie after fielding a couple of questions and responding, Olivia interrupted their conversation to change what they were saying.

In his response, Biggie sounded a stern warning, asking if she’s trying to say what he was discussing with Juicy Jay is unimportant for her to interject as if to say she had a superior argument.

Immediately she realized her error, she swiftly tendered an apology so as not to attract a strike or any similar punishment.

Biggie reiterated the warning, insisting that on no account would she ever try to cut his conversation when he’s discussing with the other paired BBTitans partner.

On a lighter note, both housemates spoke elaborately on the task at hand and how they intend to present the food show to Big Brother when the time comes.