
BBTitans: Fans React as Housemate Expresses Shock and Disappointment Over Phyna’s Strategy Failure


There has been a slight uproar over the fact that Phyna’s strategy was disappointing to those who put it to use. The technique or strategy of Phyna went the wrong path this time. According to present BBTitans housemates, the viewers most likely did not find it worthy of sustenance.

Phyna was known for being loud on the show, she followed a pattern that had been trailed by ex-housemates of past seasons.

It is no news that being loud is a magnet for the perfect fanbase. The fanbase might not necessarily ensure a winning stance but it would carry the housemate far in the game. It is not just relegated to being loud, but having substance that comes from an adequate intellectual capacity.

The success this personality trait has ensured in the past has laid grounds for future high expectations when it comes to housemates that emerge with the same characteristic feature. This gives a backdrop to the disappointment Olivia expressed at the untimely eviction of JayPee.

According to her, Jaypee was giving her Phyna’s vibes and she was really surprised she became the one to land on the BBTitans chopping board. Her conversational partner replied, “whatever strategy worked last year might not work this year”. He passed on the idea that viewers might be fed up with the recycled display on their screens.

This conversation has gotten current viewers wondering, to what extent was Jaypee like Phyna. If she was why did she not gain the massive support and love that was shown last year?