Categories: BBNaija

BBNaija: Mercy Eke Takes Fight to Uganda


BBNaija winner, Mercy Eke, has made a bus stop in Uganda in her new tweet. She has decided to take the fight against police brutality to Uganda.

She was also one of the leading voices during the #EndSARS protest against police brutality in Nigeria. Mercy made a statement demanding a better treatment for her fans who are Ugandans.

“Nobody deserves to be brutalized by the same institutions that are supposed to protect them. We stand in solidarity with Ugandan Mercenaries and the Ugandan people as a whole #StopPoliceBrutarityInUganda”

BBNaija: Mercy Eke Takes Fight to UgandaBBNaija: Mercy Eke Takes Fight to Uganda
Mercy Eke’s Tweet

Her fans named Mercenaries in Uganda now has a voice in their queen Mercy Eke.

There are trending pictures and videos showing police brutality against Ugandans. While Nigerians are calling for a police reform, other Africans are also opening up.