
BBNAIJA ALL STARS: “She Deserves to be F*cking Beaten”- Pere Threatens to Deal With Doyin


The fight between Kimoprah and Doyin wagers on. The battle line seems to be set in stone forever as Doyin resurrects the issue by discussing it with Alex in the diary room.

She tells Alex that, unlike Cee-C, who pretends; she will own her words with her full chest. Doyin reiterated that Pere and Cee-C said those things, as accused by the parrot, yesterday.

According to Doyin, Cee-C was a pretender. She pretends to be strong but is actually weak and afraid of people. Cee-C, Pere and herself were the ones who talked about Kimoprah’s love triangle with Pere and Cross.

BBNAIJA ALL STARS: "She Deserves to be F*cking Beaten"- Pere Threatens to Deal With Doyin

She also said that it was Pere, who told herself and Cee-C about Nengi and Cross. Apparently, Cross has deep feelings for Nengi and not actually Kimoprah. Since Cross is pursuing Kim, that knowledge will put a dent in their budding relationship as Kim is made to feel like a second option.

The other thing said about Kim is how she was playing Cross and Pere. They also spoke about how Cross was aware of Pere’s feelings for Kim, yet Cross decided to pursue her, making him a bad friend. Doyin owned her harsh words. She says it was herself, Cee-C as well as, and Pere who discussed everything. She says Pere was the one who complained about Cross and Kim.

Doyin revealed these things to Alex while Kimoprah interrogated Pere. She asked Pere if he said those things about her or was part of the gossip against her. He denied it. He only admitted to telling Doyin about Nengi and Cross.

Kim drags Cross into the conversation. Pere says he is frustrated with Doyin because she talks too much. He denies saying anything about Cross. He threatens Doyin. he calls her a liar and says she needs to be beaten.

BBNAIJA ALL STARS: "She Deserves to be F*cking Beaten"- Pere Threatens to Deal With Doyin

The fight escalates as Pere and Doyin face each other. He accuses her of lying and she accuses him of saying those things against Cross. An angry Pere ends up punching the wall and being called by Biggie.

BBNAIJA ALL STARS: "She Deserves to be F*cking Beaten"- Pere Threatens to Deal With Doyin

Cee-C eventually confesses that Doyin is telling the truth once Pere leaves.

Will Biggie address Pere’s gruesome threats?

BBNAIJA ALL STARS: "She Deserves to be F*cking Beaten"- Pere Threatens to Deal With Doyin