
BBNAIJA ALL STARS: NeoEnergy & Tolani Share Steamy Moment in Toilet After Breaks Up


NeoEnery and Tolani Baj seem to have made up after their breakup last night. The two new spotten=d in the toilet sharing an intimate moment.

Yesterday, Neo had served his ride-or-die Bestie Tolani a heavy breakfast. A heartbroken Tolani decided to fight for the relationship but later gave up.

Eventually, it seems Neo could not hold true to his letter. He was sad for the rest of the day. In the end, Neo sought Tolani to make amends.

The two shared a passionate kiss in the bathroom stall. Tolani was sat on her man’s lap as they shared a kiss.

The toilet in Biggie’s house must be a place of love, as many housemates seem to share intimate moments there. Bella and Sheggz had many moments there and are now going string in the real world. Perhaps, Tolani Baj and NeoEnergy might end up like their predecessors.

BBNAIJA ALL STARS: NeoEnergy & Tolani Share Steamy Moment in Toilet After Breaks Up