
BBN S7: Phyna’s Mistake Revealed and Ollie Vindicated


The internet has been abuzz over the recent controversy surrounding BBN S7 winner Phyna. A make-up artist with the user name, ‘od-pro’ came out to drag Phyna for a free make-up session. No money was paid for her work and she did not get any recognition either for her work.

Because fame comes with a lot of criticism, this was the perfect opportunity for the internet community to drag and insult Phyna. How come the winner of a show cannot afford a free make-up session, was the question people were asking.

Fanbase against Phyna saw a very lucrative opportunity and pushed it to its full potential. Phynation were outraged by the defamation. Phyna seems to have been going through this life of fame through a very amateur route and this has been causing numerous issues for her.

She has been unrestrained in her actions, not minding how it is affecting her public image and has been too available to every interview.

This lack of professionalism from her and her team has led to so much rancour. This particular obloquy seems to be more serious than the previous issues and hence someone to blame is needed.

Phynation has dragged the make-up artist because she promised a free session prior and now they’re going into full avenger mode on Ollie, Phyna’s P.A.

The anger against Ollie might be justified when the reason for the outrage is considered. Someone to blame is needed at the moment and Ollie is just the most appropriate scapegoat.

The attack on Ollie seems intent on painting her black, the devil P.A. Phyna doesn’t need. People have claimed that she hates Phyna and does not want her growth.

These are surprising comments as these two females have been friends before fame and while still in the BBN race, Ollie publicly campaigned for Phyna. The negative feedback on her character seems unnecessary.

The whole issue seems to be a problem of poor management and not evil intent. Poor management because Ollie might be a perfect best friend but not be equipped with knowledge on how to manage a star.

This poor management is reflected not just in how she has spoken rudely to members of the Phynation, hinder remunerative deals and interviews, and block ardent supporters of Phyna, but also in how the ex-manager of the team handled the whole issue.

Dami paid money without consent from Phyna and Phyna’s message to him was leaked.In this drama, it is not a case of who is in the wrongs but rather how professionals rather than friends are needed in management. This is the exact reason why business and pleasure should never be mixed. Phyna made the mistake of mixing both.