
BBN S7: Phyna Lists Disrespectful Housemates


During the Wednesday diary session, Biggie probed Phyna about her thoughts on the HoH games on Monday and the emerging winner, she had a lot to say especially since Chichi who emerged winner is her friend.

She revealed to Biggie how happy she was for Chichi’s fortune and how she thinks Chichi is doing her best. Although Chichi is trying her best, there are still housemates being spiteful towards her and making her reign as HoH terrible.

According to Phyna, whatever relationship Chichi might have had with her fellow level 1 housemates has caused them to dislike her and disregard her role as HoH.

They have even made Chichi cry because of how disrespectful they’ve been. Biggie went on to ask for specifications regarding the disrespectful people.

Phyna mentioned Adekunle and Rachel first because they were laughing and making side comments while Chichi tried to give out orders. Secondly, she mentioned the couple, Bella and Sheggz.

They all have instigated problems in the house since the present HoH rule. The only people that have tried to make her rule go smoothly are the level 1 housemates.