
BBN S7: Chizzy Demands Respect from Housemates


Disrespect towards the HoH position has been the order of the week since Chichi won the position and Chizzy has taken offence. This has led to numerous disagreements and tension among housemates. The unresolved issues in the house have put a strain on the smooth running of the rehearsals for their wager task presentation.

Chizzy addressed the housemates, to call the house back to order and end whatever silent war was going on. He spoke about how disrespect amongst them was uncalled for and how they should see each other as equal and the HoH’s position as superior to be able to lead the house.

in his words, “I cannot say im 29, so I can’t respect others here ’cause they’re younger, that makes no sense and is an insult to me, we’re all here chasing the same thing, so age doesn’t matter”.

He continued his speech by giving instructions, saying from now on anyone that wants to speak when the HoH calls for a meeting should raise his/her hand or raise the mantle.

Chizzy has decided to be imposing but not disrespectful towards the housemates, he has said he’ll call people to the lounge and not do so twice, so they better obey. This change of attitude is to create a conducive atmosphere for mutual respect.