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Areas INEC Failed Voters from Exercising Franchises


Once again, the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, was responsible for denying some voters from voting in various polling units in parts of Nigeria.

How did INEC frustrated many Nigerians from exercising their franchises during the 2023 Presidential and National Assembly Elections? Complaints from various parts of the country from electorates show that election materials arrived very late to polling units, hence, it marred the vote casting processes.

This morning, Radio Nigeria announced that 40% of voters received their electoral materials very late by past 10:00am, while 15% received theirs mid-day and around 4:00pm, respectively.

In response, INEC said the cause for some of the delays witnessed in various parts of the country was due to ineffective transportation system.

The commission explained that it experienced challenges in dispersing the election materials to different states, following the road conditions and some pockets of dsdchrity challenges.

Meanwhile, some analysts have asked Nigerians to be patient with the INEC Nigeria, noting that it’s too early to start casting aspersions, name-calling and blame-gaming.