
A Little Health Conflict: The Gain


You need ‘A Little bit of healthy Conflict’! Hey guys, please … Don’t call me a home breaker, because all I’m about to reveal to you are the BOMBS!

Yea, just a little conflict would not hurt, and there’s a gain to it. Have you heard the saying,
“We disagree to agree”? In fact, it’s essential, it’s a prerequisite requirement for a highly effective relationship.

Every relationship needs a little healthy conflict. True! A conflict in a relationship refers to any kind of disagreement, including an argument, or a series of disagreements, in a relationship.

On this note, let me quickly state that I do not agree with conflicts where one partner is physically or emotionally abusive, including domestic violence. That’s a NO, NO for me.

If you are concerned that you, or someone you know, may be in a situation involving domestic violence, then you should seek help and advice, immediately. There are ways to identify a healthy conflict:

A conflict is healthy when it’s out in the open to entertain each other’s complaint.It’s healthy when it’s respectful and not taken personal or abusive;visible to both partners into the relationship;

Conflict: What You Must Do

Allow your partners voice to be heard. Don’t dominate conversations.

The Little Healthy Disagreement

Healthy conflict leads to better decisions. With full discussion and debate, a closer look at all the ideas and inputs, and the resulting commitment, parties make better.

Parties in a relationship need to set aside ego and avoid becoming defensive in order for conflict to be healthy.

A couple should often attempt to avoid unnecessary conflict because it feels negative and counter-productive, rather, they should be liberal minded.

While tranquility and harmony is a noble aim, true unity comes when they trust each other enough to discuss (even debate!) issues fully.

When the parties involved feel secure enough to express dissenting opinions, do it without using hurtful words, as something said in anger could never be forgotten.

Sometimes we argue with our partner about something that is REALLY BIG and impacts our lives – like transferring schools, if you do or don’t want kids, who gets to bring the children from school, whether you need a help in the home or you don’t.

If you feel like you will need to sacrifice your beliefs, morals, or dreams to make the relationship work, then you should think about whether this relationship is really worth staying in.

For a relationship to succeed, you and your partner should see eye-to-eye on the bigger picture. Having aligned goals, dreams, values, and beliefs is a major part of being compatible with someone.

Meanwhile, never agreeing on anything and fighting all the time – even if it means how to press out the paste from a tooth paste tube, is not cool.

So l maintain that while it is okay to have a little healthy conflict, constant arguing, overly-heated battles, fights that spiral out of control are all signs of an unhealthy relationship.