
A heart full of grace, and a soul motivated by love.


No matter what has happened to you in the past, no matter what state you’re in at any given moment, you have the power to turn your life around and pursue your goals and dreams by adopting an empowering attitude and taking the actions necessary to move forward.

Nothing bad ever happens without equal or greater benefit in return. Pain comes to teach us if we become frustrated, we’ve lost the lesson.

We can then turn those lessons to blessings by teaching others and helping them in any capacity that we can. We can do this y changing our mindset about life.

Don’t allow what you go through change who you are and how we act towards others.

It doesn’t matter where you are born, how much money you have or what your educational level is, what matters is that you recognize you can make a difference and that you have a purpose. It’s never too late to make a difference in somebody’s life.

Even when you cannot see the result of your work, you are still able to know in your heart that you made a tremendous difference in someone’s life. Don’t ever forget that there are so many needs and so many ways in which you can make a difference.

We can all find the time to give back because along our journeys, have been those special people who took out the time with us. Anybody can be great because anybody can serve. All you need to serve is a heart full of grace, and a soul motivated by love.

It’s important to understand that the smallest gesture can have a major and lasting impact on a person’s life. We don’t always know the outcome or how many lives we touch, but its true beyond a doubt that when you extend a hand towards one person, many others move forward.