
7 Inspiring Quotes By Actor Lateef Adedimeji


Lateef Adedimeji is a Nigerian actor, film-maker, producer and director, born and raised in Lagos State, but hails from Ogun State.

He gained popularity with his first significant role in Yewande Adekoya’s 2013 movie titled “Kudi Klepto”, and has acted in over 100 Nigerian movies since he began his career as an actor 15 years ago. 

He occasionally posts inspiring and breathtaking quotes on his Instagram page to motivate his followers.

7 Inspiring Quotes By Actor Lateef Adedimeji

1.You might not know enough but teach anyway, you might not see clearly enough but make a move anyway, you might not be good enough but show your work anyway.

2. Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigour of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

3. No one is you, and that is your power, don’t give it Away, Life may hit us differently but ensure you always respond positively. Your response is your power.

Lateef Adedimeji

4.One unique thing that you have that nobody else has is *YOU, your voice, your vision, your story.* You are merely miraculous, unduplicatable and remarkable because *since the beginning of time from those who have come and gone throughout history, not ONE of them was ever like You.

No one alive or yet to be born will ever have a combo of your abilities, appearance and flair. If anyone laughs like you, they can’t smile the way you are smiling right now. If anyone looks like you, talks like you, can do what you do, *they can’t have your iris or fingerprints. Never!* Hence, don’t crave to be someone else because a masterpiece is forbidden to imitate others. Your uniqueness is your competitive edge. *And if you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap in history and a dent on humanity.* No one is you, and that is your power! Don’t give it away

5.No matter how dark and full, find the colours around, Make your smile.

Lateef Adedimeji

6.When people commit suicide, their intention is not to end their lives. Instead, they aim to stop a problem they are facing. So they think that killing themselves kills the pain.* Nonetheless, this happens when hope is lost; after all, if sleep is the cousin of death, then despair is the mother of suicide. In other words, confidence is so paramount that the absence of it renders you a walking dead. A disaster was waiting to happen! *We use to think that when there’s life, there’s hope, but the truth is, when there’s hope, there’s life.

I don’t know what you have lost hope about but remember that most of the incredible things in the world were accomplished by people who dared to hope amid despair.

I have failed stupidly, I have lost opportunities that begged me to take them, and I have been so troubled that it felt so logical to give up *. Still, I trust in my potential like I trust gravity. We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” Because when there’s hope for the future, it gives you power in the present.

7. The reality of life is that many people are set to judge you, so you have to be careful of what you expose to them in reality, Leave them to chase your shadows while you hold on to your facts. You know why? They’d never be able to catch your shadow, and by the time they realize they’ve been chasing shadows all along, you’d have finished up what you need to do.

We hope you are motivated by reading those quotes.