
Coronavirus: 10 Cases Discovered as Bundesliga Prepares to Resume


Garman division two side has been observing the group training for some time now, and they have been running a test on players before they train. Clubs in the top two German divisions after testing about 1724 players, 10 came out positive this is according to the German football league.

Clubs have been training in groups, with the tests taken before a planned return to training as teams. Measures including “the isolation of the affected person” have been made, said the DFL.

After three of the Bundesliga side F.C Cologne players tested positive and the players placed on self-isolation there have not been any case no further Covid-19 infections. The Bundesliga is set to become the first major football league in Europe to return to competition.

Officials of the Bundesliga are looking at resuming on the 9th of May, but the government delayed the decision. They gave a new date which is now 16th or 23rd of May. According to a statement released by F.C Cologne, they said that: “only players who have been tested negatively twice in succession are allowed to train and play”.

The DFL agreed with the statement. They said: “The second wave of tests will be carried out this week here too there may be isolated positive test results, especially since one of the tasks of this second round is to reduce the likelihood of ‘false negative’ findings that can never be completely ruled out.”

Last week, Chancellor Angela Merkel said that any decision on if and when sports activities could resume would be taken on the 6th of May which is tomorrow. The league which has been in suspension since mid-March because of the global coronavirus pandemic could be resuming sooner than expected. The DFL has warned that many top-division teams in Bundesliga will be in an “existence-threatening” financial position if the league does not return by June.